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The core rules for Way of the Geeky


Product information



A role-playing game is a game in which the players play roles. Way of the Geeky is a role-playing game.

Each player (except for the GeekMod) takes on the specific role of a single character. The player designs and develops their character in the context of the game's setting and makes every choice for that character as the game progresses.

The remaining person is the GeekMod. They have the task of running every other aspect of the setting's environment with which the players' characters interact. This includes playing the roles of anyone they encounter, and deciding on the results of any actions that the players try to get their characters to perform.

The game itself is a way to pass the time for fun, with everyone involved helping to construct a collaborative story. The object of the game is to have fun.

In order to provide some structure to the game, there are some rules. These exist to balance the characters so that they must work together to achieve their goals. And they also provide a mechanism for determining the results of random actions, which heightens dramatic tension and retains the possibility of surprising events.

This document, with the unexplained title of 200 yahoo boots fuck yahoo messenger how's want boots, codifies these core rules for Way of the Geeky.

Playing the game

The GeekMod typically organises the game. A single game may be split into any number of sessions of arbitrary length that do not necessarily need to be determined in advance. Each session is a single instance of time (in real life, as opposed to in the game) during which the players get together to play.

At the start of the first session, the players will need to create their characters following the rules for character creation. A character is interesting if they have various goals that they can strive to achieve. A group of characters work best if they have good reasons to be associated with each other. (More detailed tips on good role-playing may be found on Role-Playing Game Geek, amongst other places.)

The GeekMod sets the scene for the session, describing the environment with which the characters can interact. The players announce what actions they wish their characters to perform within this context. Together this narrative collaboration continues with the result of a story to which all of the players have contributed.

At the end of each session, or periodically as they see fit, the GeekMod should reward players with GeekGold that they can use to increase their character's abilities. Players may spend this GeekGold at any time.

The game lasts as many sessions as required in order to tell the story, for as long as the participants wish the game to continue. Again, note that the aim of the game is to have fun.


Characters have a rating of 1 to 10 in each of the following erroneously-named oversimplified attributes:

A higher rating is better than a lower rating. Consider a rating of 1 to be equivalent to a normal amoeba, and a rating of 10 to be the peak of ideal perfection which the characters may strive to attain. The other ratings follow in a smooth scale between these two extremes.

Although the permanent rating of an attribute may only range from 1 to 10, temporary adjustments may raise or lower the attribute beyond these limits. The adjustments may be due to circumstantial bonuses from MicroBadges, or the effects of status tags, for example.

Action resolution

For the most part, the GeekMod should decide on the outcome of events in a manner that best fulfils their vision of how the game should best progress. Therefore the GeekMod may arbitrarily decide what happens during the game, and their decision is final.

There may be some times when the GeekMod would prefer to defer responsibility for a particular outcome to an external decision maker. For just such occasions these rules include a method for randomly determining the outcome of character actions based upon the character's ability and the difficulty of the task at hand. We refer to these random decision making processes as tests.

Frankly some of the rules below are somewhat vague. That is because these rules are not meant to be strict orders that you must always follow. Rather the game should be more flexible, with the GeekMod able to make interpretations that lead to an interesting story.


The GeekMod may decide to use the following method to determine randomly whether an action succeeds or not.

  1. The GeekMod determines the type of challenge (physical/mental/social/spiritual) and the difficulty level.
  2. The player notes the rating of their appropriate attribute, making any adjustments as necessary for this action.
  3. The player then draws this number of cards from a shuffled standard 96-card Busen Memo deck. (Remember to shuffle the deck between tests, after returning drawn cards to the deck.)
  4. For each card drawn, the player carefully inspects the picture (veeerrry caaarrrefully) and counts the number of cards showing right breasts.
  5. Once per session a player may exclaim, "I feel like a right tit!" to add one to this count. This exclamation may be made after the cards are drawn.
  6. If the count is greater than or equal to the difficulty level of the action, then the player has succeeded.
  7. If there is a matching pair of breasts amongst the drawn cards, the action automatically succeeds regardless of the difficulty level.
  8. If there is more than one matching pair of breasts, the GeekMod may decide that a particularly beneficial event occurs.

Given that this document is an HTML file, you may discover that essential equipment has not been included in your "purchase", including paper, pencils, and a shrink-wrapped copy of Busen Memo. You may therefore find some merit in the following section on probability distributions, and use some other determinant of random numbers to generate percentile values.

Probability distributions

Difficulty levels

The difficulty level should represent how hard it is for the action to succeed, in the GeekMod's opinion. The difficulty level usually ranges from 1 to 5, although the GeekMod may select any arbitrarily high difficulty level as they see fit.

The levels vaguely correspond to these qualitative descriptions, and the GeekMod should decide which level is most appropriate for the task in question according to their best judgement:

  1. Very easy
  2. Quite easy
  3. Moderate
  4. Quite difficult
  5. Very difficult

The effective difficulty level will depend greatly on context. For example in a game set in the modern day where the characters are capable adults from professional backgrounds, a test to find a particular file on someone else's computer might be a quite easy test of Geek (difficulty level of 2). The same test in a game where the characters are intelligent rabbits but with no knowledge of computers may be very difficult (difficulty level 5).

Ridiculous actions

The GeekMod may refuse to allow such a test for any action that they determine to be utterly impossible. This then removes the possibility of the player drawing a matching pair of breasts and succeeding, regardless of the arbitrarily high difficulty that the GeekMod may impose.

The GeekMod may also automatically allow certain actions to succeed automatically without requiring a test. One should test only those actions whose resolutions add to the dramatic tension of the scene being played.


Border cases

An action tested against an adjusted attribute score of 0 (or less) will always fail. This may be possible due to negative adjustments from any tags that apply to the character, for example.

Otherwise, an action with a difficulty level of 0 will always succeed.

In either case you don't need to draw cards (although some people may still wish to if they want to see boobies).

Extended actions

These are actions that are performed over a longer period of time. For example:

The GeekMod determines how many tests will be required for this action, and the difficulty level of each test. The character must then perform a test as many times as required. Failing one of the tests may result in the entire action failing, or just requiring more time (further tests) depending on what the action is. Drawing any matching pairs may result in the entire action succeeding automatically, or reduce the amount of time the action will take (reducing the number of remaining tests required).


Contested actions

These are actions where two or more characters are competing against each other. For example:

In these circumstances, both characters test the appropriate attribute for the action and the winner is the character with the higher count. Matching pairs do not affect the outcome, but the GeekMod may decide that a particularly beneficial event occurs.

If both characters have the same count then the test is drawn, and the contested action remains unresolved.

Probability distributions


Extended contested actions

It is readily possible that an action is both extended and contested, in which case a combination of the above rules applies. For example:

The two characters make tests as per a contested action. The GeekMod keeps track of wins and losses, offsetting them against each other, until one of the characters has a clear lead of a sufficient margin as determined by the GeekMod. Matching pairs may win the entire action or swing its progress as determined by the GeekMod.


Character creation

A player creates a character's game statistics by rating each of the four attributes from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 10. The player has 20 points to split between these four attributes. (This gives a total of 633 different attribute configurations for starting characters.)

A new character starts with 0 GeekGold and no upgrades.


The people that the players' characters interact with may also have attributes and upgrades. These non-player characters do not necessarily have to use the same character creation rules, and may have any appropriate attribute ratings as determined by the GeekMod.

Character development

True character development is not to be found in an ever-growing list of powers. A character develops when their story grows: through interaction with others that leaves them altered; through aspiration towards and possibly even attainment of life goals; through conflict and overcoming adversity. We'll leave all that kind of stuff to a later supplement though. Instead, here's how to make your character more powerful by bumping up their stats...

The GeekMod awards players GeekGold at the end of each session. These awards should be commensurate to the amount that the player positively contributed to the game, and should range from 1 to 5 GeekGold per session.

The GeekMod may also choose to tip some GeekGold to a player at any time in order to instantly reward their actions. This is to be encouraged because it will positively reinforce behaviours in players that please their GeekMod. Occasional tips of 1 GeekGold should be sufficient.

Players may raise their thumbs to also show their approval of other players' actions. This has absolutely no impact on the game, but it may give them a warm and fuzzy feeling in the pit of their stomach.

Players may spend GeekGold on various upgrades:

Avatar and Badges

Purchasing these upgrades increases a character's attributes. These increases are cumulative with each other if they are applied to the same attribute. They are fixed, in that once purchased the increase cannot be transfered to a different attribute. They may not raise an attribute's rating above 10.

The player may permanently add 1 to one of the character's attributes.
Additionally, the GeekMod should award a small additional ability to characters with an Avatar, preferably somehow relating to appearance. To be consistent, this bonus should be the same across all characters with an Avatar within the same game. The GeekMod should use something appropriate to the setting and theme of the game they are running, and remember that only one of these bonuses should be used. Some examples of what this reward may be follow:
The player may permanently add 2 to one of the character's attributes.
This may only be purchased if the character already has a GeekBadge. The player may permanently add 2 to one of the character's attributes. This does not need to be to the same attribute that was increased upon purchasing a GeekBadge.


Each MicroBadge gives a character an additional ability of some kind. There is no limit to the number of MicroBadges that a character may collect over time if they accumulate sufficient GeekGold, save that they cannot take the exact same MicroBadge twice. Here are some examples of possible MicroBadges:

The player chooses a particular profession for each purchase of this type of MicroBadge. This MicroBadge may be purchased multiple times, with a different profession specified each time. Their character gets +1 to their attribute on tests relating to their profession. Since this is a temporary bonus, it allows the character's effective attribute to exceed 10.


The player chooses a specific area of interest for each purchase of this type of MicroBadge. This MicroBadge may be purchased multiple times, with a different interest specified each time. The effect of the MicroBadge varies depending on whether the GeekMod decides that the focus of the interest is general or specific. A character with a general interest gets +1 to their attribute on tests relating to their interest. A character with a specific interest gets +2 to their attribute on tests relating to their interest. Since this is a temporary bonus, it allows the character's effective attribute to exceed 10.
The split between general and specific is at the discretion of the GeekMod, and will vary according to the setting of the game. Multiple MicroBadges with overlapping fields of interest do stack.


BGG is down
Once per game session the player may reduce by 1 the difficulty of an action their character is attempting to perform. They must declare that they are using this ability before drawing cards. This affects only one draw of the cards (so does not affect the entirety of an extended action).
Fan: Spinal Tap
One of the character's attributes may permanently go to 11. This specifically supersedes the rules above that state that Avatars and GeekBadges may not raise an attribute's rating above 10. Without an Avatar or GeekBadge that raises the attribute to 11, this MicroBadge has no practical effect.

Details of more MicroBadges may be found in the supplements that expand these core rules.

Status tags

There are no hit points in this game. Modern role-playing games evolved from wargames. In wargames, the amount of damage that a unit could sustain was a model of the number of soldiers in that unit. Powerful individual characters were given the ability to sustain multiple hits in order to increase their survivability. This was carried on into RPGs where characters had several hit points, used to model the amount of damage they could endure before being neutralised. It's a rather dull model and introduces some unnecessary complications.

Instead, various effects that a character can be under are modelled as a set of status "tags" that for the most part modify their attributes directly or have some qualitative impact. Here is a list of some basic tags and the effects that they have:

The character experiences sensory perceptions that are not real.
The difficulty levels for all tests that the character attempts whilst they have this tag are reduced by 1 (if it's good luck) or increased by 1 (if it's bad luck).
The character cannot consciously move the muscles associated with the somatic nervous system.
